Friday, 16 March 2012

Unwarranted Conspiracy Theory

With the advent a good few years ago about the theory behind Global Warming, the melting ice caps and average temperatures around the world on the increase, everybody started talking about the elimination of fossil fuels or at least the reduction in the use of fossil fuels.

Coming to the forefront of conversations, in an attempt to cope with the reduction in power output, is an increase in nuclear power stations, solar power and wind power.  Attempts are being made to push through the committees and activists a plan to build more nuclear power stations and obviously this has had a fair amount of backlash from people regarding the stability and safety of such actions.  Solar power is appearing on the roofs of more and more houses and wind turbines are being built out to sea and in rural areas to help with the increase in power consumption that the modern world is going to require, not just now but in the future too.

But what if this is all just a global smoke screen to hide something a little more serious, what if all of the governments of the world are all working together to help a bigger problem and one that, more than likely, will cause everyone to panic about.  Maybe the world's rotation is slowing down and all the solar panels and nuclear energy is going to go towards powering something to help keep this rotation going at the rate we require to stop the polar ice caps from melting and temperatures to stabilise back to their climatic norm.

What if wind farms are not actually wind turbines put into the fields and on top of building to generate electricity but really they are very big propellers to blow not to be blown.  These as a collective whole could prevent the countries of the world from falling further into disarray and bring the British public back to Briddlington and Skegness rather than opting to go to Benidorm or Fuengirola.

I leave this with you.

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