Monday, 30 July 2012

Breezy Hill - Death of the Mi T

For detective Tysoe to be seen leaving the entrance to the morgue before breakfast isn't an unusual sight. But this morning had her needing to confirm the identity the king pin boss of all organised criminal activities in her district. The worrying thing for her was that it is a positive identity. Question after question runs through her mind and the only one she knows is going to haunt her is, Who is connected enough to kill the most untouchable person in Breezy Hill?

If we rewound from this day and went back two days to when the normal everyday trudge for detective Mary Tysoe started with her trip to the district precinct via the morgue to pick up her work sheet for that day.

She didn't mind this so much because it was better than being the corporate conveyance lawyer she used to be, telling people the same old rubbish tirelessly plodding through an office full of clients without thought or personality. Until she joined the police she used to wake up at night with the image of her signing off corporate billable hours for impersonal work carried out for customers who feel they should be getting a better service. Now she gives a personal service to the recently killed, gets paid far less and has a great deal of job satisfaction.

She sighed deeply when she saw the face she knew so well staring up at her from the morticians slab, her boss from her old job. His corporate wings had been torn off his body and used to smother him in a very gruesome way. This was more for effect than the cause of death seventy four stab wounds and the wooden splinters from a spear carved from the wood of an apple tree. The only apple tree in this district was the fortress headquarters of supposed thug and supposed villain Michael Teeah, or because he has threatened death to anyone who doesn't call him Mi T.


It is probably a good time to tell you a little bit of background, Detective Tysoe is one of the allowed officials that are not hired by the Mi T Corporation, she is one of three still alive and able to work towards trying to clean up the district of Breezy Hill. Breezy Hill wholly owned and governed by the well-known organised crime King Pin Michael Teeah. The district is a set of seven overcrowded trees set, almost in a precise circle around the heavily fortified Mi T Corporation apple tree. With a population of over one hundred and fifty thousand with a low level poverty line a high line dedicated to the ridiculously rich and the ones who Mi T is favouring at that time. Positioned an adequate distance below them is for the workers and anyone who can be a useful person to have around. Officially the primary industry of the district is hospitality so on the branches you will find restaurants, hotels and casinos around every knot and junction and of course Michael Teeah has his hands in everything making him one of the richest, most recognisable and deadliest faeries in their land.

Detective Tysoe left the Morgue and walked the gnarled bark roads into the most depressing part of the district, she instantly felt like turning around and walking back into the morgue. But more pressing things lie on the horizon, firstly a visit to Mi T. He is always the person her and her colleagues would go and see when something like this, lands on their desks. She knows exactly how it will go, she will turn up, insist on seeing Mi T, he will come out and escort her into his personal office suite offering a cup of tea, "or maybe you prefer coffee", she will ask him necessary questions, he will deny knowing any details, she will ask him where he was at the time of the death, he will say I was with friends or at one of his clubs, she will ask if there was anyone else who can corroborate this and he will respond saying, about 50 other people.

Unfortunately for Tysoe this is something she has to do as party of her job meaning she would have to fly to the tree where the Mi T Corporation is situated and go through the process for the paperwork. she walked a little while long, sort of prolonging the inevitable and when she can to the edge of the branch and looked down to the grass so far below her took in a large breathe of air, filling her lung whilst she unfolded her wings out wide, fluttered them a little to get out any creasing and she jumped.

The distance between the trees meant Tysoe has to fly for about ten minutes to get to the apple tree in the centre of the district, fortunately today is a dry day so the flight over will be fairly easy. She also knew from bitter experience that as soon as she gets within a certain range she will be watched by the guards and even closer still she will get an armed escort to one of the landing platforms. She made the flight casually knowing what is going to happen but when she was expecting the armed guards there was nothing and when she landed Tysoe was met on the platform by Michael Teeah's personal assistant.

"Detective Tysoe, that was quick. I haven't even contacted the department yet. Come in and see, we need to make a report." the artificially altered assistant greeted her. Detective Tysoe looked back into the skies around the corporate headquarters to see them all clear, no guards anywhere to be seen, she had never seen it like this before. Usually the skies directly around this tree were patrolled by faeries with spears; anyone comes too close without permission gets escorted into one of the security rooms. Try and force your way down to land on the platform then you will be expected to be made dead or worse.

Detective Tysoe made a mental note about how she had been addressed, especially after she heard those words; we need to make a report. Taking her time to follow the assistant, noting that how incredibly well spoken she was, but how low her IQ should be. Knowing a job well, doesn't mean a person is able to relate that knowledge outside of the working environment, in fact a certain type of person will not be able to do it at all and this is exactly the sort of person Mi T liked to hire. It gives him overall control, he will pay to have her surgically altered, pay to have her wings clipped and pay for the elocution ladies to take her under their wings until she can sit behind the desk and animatedly say exactly what is written on the script. They don't need a mind to think and definitely don't require the ability to remember anything outside of her working environment.

"Please Detective come as quickly as you can." The assistant said once again, Tysoe replied, "I could probably get to wherever you are trying to take me too quicker than you can possible take me." Tysoe eyed up the skin tight clothing, it looked almost painted on and she followed close behind until Tysoe heard, "This!"

The assistant looked like she was going to cry as she pointed down to the floor where her boss and the scourge of the district were lying in a very large pool of blood. Tysoe only assumed this was Michael Teeah, in reality all she could see was a mound of blood, skin, hair and clothing. She knelt down and said to no one in particular, "Can you send for the coroner and also can you get a message to my precinct to let them know we have a bloody mass I am investigating. Can you get me a set of those disposable rubber gloves that you use to touch everything with and I will need a rather strong coffee, when you think you have got it strong enough, double that strength! Go Go Go" Tysoe gestured in a dismissive way still not taking her gaze off the mound and as the assistant walked off Tysoe looked up and saw as she walked away she was using her hands and fingers to try and remember what she was asked to do. Tyson never expected to see that coffee. She said, more to herself than to the bolognaise like mess on the floor in front of her, "I wonder whose toes you trod on this time Michael."

"Your coffee Detective Tysoe." A voice said, but it wasn't the same voice as the physically enhanced assistance that walked away. Tysoe stood up and swung around slowly so she didn't startle whoever was standing behind her. Silhouetted in the doorway, the expanse of daylight flooding in behind him was a man wearing a coarse knit robe tied around the middle with a small piece of vine. He walked forward and said, "Just as you like it, but a little better, I guarantee it." He said.

He walked towards her, she didn't move as she felt there was no reason that she could think of to be afraid. He handed her the cup, an ornately carved wooden cup and nodded her head, "Thank you" after a first sniff and a big swig of her coffee, "What."

"Like I said, a little better." He said.

"Who are you?" Tysoe replied and continued to drink. He walked over to one of the comfortable chairs and gestured to her to take a seat. She walked over and sat where he had indicated and continued to enjoy her drink. "Michael Teeah's assistant will be back in a few minutes and I don't think she will like a stranger in the same office where her employer has just been killed." Tysoe said and continued, "Did you tell me who you are?"

"No I didn't Mary, that lady will be away for a while, you gave her enough to remember in that tiny little mind of hers, not her fault though I suppose. " he paused for thought and continued, "I am unable to tell you my name and what makes you think I am strange?"

"I didn't say you were strange. I said stranger as in someone who she doesn't know." Tysoe said.

"She knows me, not really knowing she knows me. Much like you, you know me, you don't know it yet but you do know me all the same." he said with the most calming way of talking and he watched as Tysoe enjoyed her coffee.

“Michael Teeah’s death was not murder it could probably be put down to nature’s causes.” The man said.
She looked over to him but could still only see him in silhouette; she couldn’t make out any discernable features, “How would you know this?”

Dodging the question he replied, “This land is going to need a new principle, someone who has shown that they can be honest and provide a structure that will not be influenced. All the residents of each tree in this area need to know their best interests have the full attention of the principle.” He stopped talking and looked over to her as if he was awaiting something to crank into place in her head but all he saw was her finishing off her coffee and looking for somewhere to put the cup without getting up out of the chair. He leant forward and took it from her and continued, “I am talking about you Mary.”

“Me” she exclaimed, “Why would you think I could do this?”

“You worked, very successfully in a job you hated, this job allowed you certain of life’s luxuries without you having to worry about your home, your food and fun times.”

Tysoe interrupted, “There wasn’t any time left for the fun times.”

“But you gave up that job without any prompting because you didn’t like it. You were not forced out and you had nothing else to go on to. You then signed up to be a detective, a great deal less coming to you. You even down sized you living arrangements so you could afford a life outside your meagre earnings, but you still did it and you are good at it. You made a sacrifice to your life because you were not able to have a life outside of your work. Now you serve the people and those people respect you more than some of your colleagues because you serve them not The Mi T Corporation. You can serve them again and make this land a place faeries from lands far away would come to spend their pleasure time as a family.”

“No, no, no way, are you asking me to sit in an office like this and run Breezy Hill?” she said.

“It is not my place to ask you to do this but who else is there to do it?” the man said.

“This land has one hundred and fifty thousand plus inhabitants there must be at least one that fit the bill.” She said.

The man responded, “You are right. I believe Michael Teeah was the holder of something that didn’t belong to him” detective Tysoe raised her eyebrows in a manner to suggest, there is probably more than one thing he had that didn’t belong to him, her thoughts faded as the man walked over to a stone wall, “An unusual place to put a stone built wall don’t you think, we are after all in a tree, surely the wooden walls all around are strong enough.” He made a simple movement of his hand the all the mud that bound each stone together dried up to dust and he learnt forward and pulled a single stone out of the middle and all the other stones fell into a long pile on the floor at his feet.

Detective Tysoe watched each stone fall and all of them fell around the man, not one of the tumbling stones connected with him or even brushed his clothing as they fell. She looked to where the wall used to be and saw a shelf cut into the wall, “Could you hand that to me please? I am not as nimble as I used to be.” She got up from the comfort of the seat she was sat in and climbed over the mound of rubble and picked up a stone that was smooth all over, had a bulbous end and another end that came to a sharp point.

She looked at the stone and then back to the shelf and couldn’t see how the stone was supported but she remembered just a few seconds earlier taking the stone in her hand and it was point down. Initially if had felt very cold to her touch and it warmed in her fingers, or was it warming her fingers, she couldn’t decide. Stepping back off the rubble she held the stone out to the man and for the first time she saw his face, his handsome features had a darkened glow, not one that she felt to be a threat to her or anyone but maybe one that was trying to hide something else.

He said, “You are the holder of that stone, use it well and take it to where it belongs.”

She walked over to the mess in the floor where the remains of Michael Teeah’s body was still lying and said what about this, she turned her head to the man and pointed at the mound. Fire erupted from her finger and hit the mass which in turn burst into flames. She quickly looked back and watched in start to burn, she then heard a splintering crash and turned. Blazing sunlight came in from a new hole in the exterior wall, dust and small bits of wood rushed around in the air and the man stepped into silhouette once more, unravelled his butterfly shaped wings to full stretch and jumped out into the air around Breezy Hill.

She flung her hands forward and shouted after him, “wait” but it was too late but when her arms reached their full lock the ceiling, a wall and the floor burst into flames. She outwardly said, “Oooops” and ran through the fires, whose flames felt cold to her as she went through them and she too jumped out of the hole.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Izabelle and the Skulls of Elsinore

One of the last things Izabelle was expecting on her 9th birthday was a square glass box, a jewellery box yes, but not a museum display box and especially not a museum type display box with two mounted skulls and adorning a small brass plaque with the word Elsinore engraved in a cursive script.

Ripping the paper off with in-audible screams of excitement, giddy, girlie bounces at receiving such a large parcel delivered to her on her birthday with her name on the packaging.  Everyone crowded around the parcel as the paper flew in the air, and in side was more paper, not wrapping paper but the sort of paper a very old person would wrap things in, brown paper.  She ripped that off and the giddiness disappeared and the amplitude of the bounces decreased as under the brown paper was plain white paper like you get from a stationers and put in your bubble jet to get a perfect print out.  The main difference is now the paper was covered in the scribbling’s of a mad woman.  Almost every inch of the  white paper was covered in light grey pencils sketches, maps, descriptive text and in black heavy type were the words with love on your 10th birthday Granny.

Izabelle’s parents unwrapped this paper from the present inside very carefully to see if they could keep this intact, besides Izabelle had got bored with the unwrapping and her attention drifted elsewhere.  “Izabelle it is off” they shouted almost in unison, and the sudden sound of stampeding feet echoed throughout the house, until, the ear piercing scream as Izabelle’s initial shock erupted involuntarily from her.  Everyone looked at the contents and they all found a Glass museum style case with two mounted skulls, a small brass plaque with the cursive script Elsinore on it.  On the base of the case were two more words, one in front of each skull.  “Jorik” in front of one, “Horatio” in front of the other.

Sitting at the dining table it was Izabelle’s mother who realised that not everything written on the white paper was mad and some of it wasn’t even from her old mother in-law either and as she looked at the different sections she realised there was a pattern to the madness.  Carefully tearing the paper in pieces she ended up with seventeen different pieces and using certain reference points on the pieces she could reassemble the pieces back together.  They made a map on one side and a whole story on the other.

Whilst she was putting all of this together Izabelle and her father had been playing Fifa 2014 on the Playbox and both fallen asleep on the sofa.  How long had she been at this, but curiosity took over and when she had put the last piece in place she scanned it, turning it over and reading the text on the reverse side.

The text jumble on the other side gave reference to kings, queens the poetry of the sage of Elsinore and his companions.  Some of the text was in a different language, an elder language one that could be Latin if only latin was that old.  Izabelle's mum just sat at the table twiddle a pencil between her fingers, and said to the sleeping party, "Your mother is crazy! old man, she is a loopy fruit cake. Wait until I get my hands on her."
